Monday, June 1, 2009

Hi I'm Addie McGraw. I was born and raised in Fort Worth, TX. I attended the University of Mississippi my freshman year of college, then transferred to TCU last fall. Now, I'm currently a junior majoring in Early Childhood Education. I love my major and enjoy the pleasure of being around children.

I'm taking this course to fulfil TCU's literary tradition requirement. I'm not a big reader, but I'm hoping that I will discover a new interest through the stories we read in this class. In college, I haven't had many literature classes. However, through my four years of high school, I had many experiences with fiction. Although reading isn't my favorite hobby, I hope to accomplish a better understanding of fiction. I also hope this class will provide me with literature that I find appealing and enjoyable.

In order to teach me well, I require lots of visual learning. I'm the type of person who needs to have the piece of work in front of me so that I'm able to make notes and highlight important points. I'm extremely organized so I like that you have already given us a class calendar. Because I'm so visual, I like having that to refer to.

I have read, understood, and agreed to the terms of the course syllabus.

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